Spring snow with some new music

It’s Spring by the calendar and you might be enjoying your crocuses and tulips and cherry blossoms, but here on the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies the ground is still covered with snow - at least at my elevation around 6800 ft.

But we needed the snow to charge up the mountain snow pack that releases water into the canyons and valleys and hopefully keeps us a bit safer from forest fires.

And we will still get snow for another month or month-and-a-half, but when it melts off the pasque flowers will be showing themselves and the first hummingbirds will return.

In the meantime, it’s easier to appreciate the beauty of the snow knowing that before too long the mountains will explode in flowers and foliage.

The music is titled “Vocalore” and features the voice of Uyanga Bold accompanied by grand piano and string quartet.